Cleaner Home, Happier Hound: The Secret of Enzymatic Cleaners for Dog Owners

If someone told you there was a quick and easy way to make your dog even happier, you’d be at the front of the queue to give it a try.

Well, there is… just by turning your doggy smelling house into a fresh-smelling and clean home, thanks to a new and not so secret weapon.

This quick guide will explore how a new era of cleaners work and why they are a must-have for every dog owner. So get ready to discover the secret to a cleaner home – and a happier hound.

The power of enzymes

Enzyme-based cleaners stand out among the shelves of household cleaning products because of the science that makes them tick.

Microscopic molecules act as natural catalysts to target and break down organic stains and odours at source, unlike conventional cleaners that simply mask smells or require vigorous scrubbing that could ruin your material or carpet.

The new generation of cleaners offer an all-round solution because they deal with smells and stains for good, to maintain a fresh and pristine living space for you and your fur baby.

Say goodbye to stubborn stains

A dog owner’s greatest challenge is dealing with those stubborn stains and lingering pongs that seem impossible to remove. Whether it’s dog pee, vomit or worse, enzymatic cleaners for dogs are your secret weapon. 

By targeting the proteins and other organic compounds in the stains with a chemical process, they attack the molecules that cause the problem and reduce them into smaller, odourless ones so stains vanish before your eyes, leaving floors and carpets spotless.

Best behaviour

Unpleasant odours aren’t just a nuisance – they also prompt repeated behavioural issues in dogs because they’re naturally drawn to the same spot to ‘mark’ territory.

Our furry friends possess a complex and highly developed sensory or olfactory system that plays a crucial role in their daily lives. 

Their sense of smell is far more advanced than ours, with the receptors in their noses hugely sensitive to various chemical compounds in the air.

So when a dog inhales it detects specific odour molecules that trigger an electrical signal which sends a message to the dog’s brain that it’s left its mark in a spot before, so it must be fine to do it again.

These behavioural cues that trigger emotional responses such as fear or excitement are cut off by enzymatic cleaners, making them less likely to soil the same spot.

That means no stain clean up and leaves you free to retrain or reward healthier toilet habits.

Good for your home and wallet

Replacing carpets, rugs and furniture ruined by pet stains or destroyed by constant accidents is a costly business. Enzymatic cleaners are a one-hit wonder and although the initial outlay is marginally more than traditional floor cleaners, they’ll save you money in the long run. 

Prompt and effective stain and smell removal extends the life of your belongings and avoids costly replacements. They’re also incredibly easy to use with no applicators, blotting or return visits required, making them a cost-effective solution for pet owners.

Safety first

Most Enzymatic cleaners for dogs are made with pet-friendly and eco-friendly ingredients – as well as some lovely vanilla, citrus or sea breeze scents – so you can use them with peace of mind, knowing Brutus or Bella will be fine.

They act naturally to break down the molecular structure of the cells that cause the problems, meaning they’re a responsible choice for your home and the planet.

Now you’re hopefully convinced that these products are broadly for you, make sure to check that the specific cleaner matches the problem you’re trying to eradicate to ensure you get the perfect one for your needs.


Enzymatic cleaners for dogs are more than just cleaning products – they’re the key to a cleaner, fresher, and happier home for you and – equally importantly – your four-legged friend. 

They have emerged as potent tools for maintaining a hygienic living environment for dog owners and their canine companions, as well as relieving the stress that messy mishaps cause.

Thorough stain removal is linked to the repeat behaviour so by nipping the problem in the bud, you’re likely to change the whole dynamic and smell of the house.

Pristine surfaces – these products work on hard floors and surfaces too – lead to a truly fresh living space, which has got to be good for both humans and their dogs too. 

Natural and sweet-smelling, their development really is the appliance of science.

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